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A quick start to RAG with a local setup

FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
4 min readOct 19, 2024
AI Reading documents for RAG

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Imagine heading over to and asking ChatGPT a bunch of questions. A pretty good way to pass a hot and humid sunday afternoon if you ask me. What if you had a bunch of documents you wanted to decipher? Perhaps they are your lecture notes from CS2040. Now ask the LLM a question: “What did the professor highlight about linked lists in Lecture 4?”

chatgpt without RAG

The model spits out a bunch of random information. Let’s say someone magically types in some information (read: context) to the model to help with this.

chatgpt with RAG

You have to admit it’s naive to always provide the model with context. Is someone always going to have to type this out? Well you are in luck! Retrieval-Augmented Generation does just that! The idea is that a query is vectorised and used to search against a pre-vectorised set of information in a database to retrieve the top few matches based on a similarity algorithm. These matches are returned to the LLM as context for it to answer questions. What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Start Ollama

First let’s get the Ollama Server up and running. Ollama is a tool that allows us to load models locally for testing.

docker run -d -v ollama:/root/.ollama -p 11434:11434 --name ollama ollama/ollama

You will know this is successful when you head over to localhost:11434and see the words “Ollama is running”.

Start a python environment

Any python environment is fine but I personally enjoy using the langchain image.

docker pull langchain/langchain
docker run -it --network host langchain/langchain sh

Install dependencies

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install vim tmux -y

Create a working directory

mkdir test && cd test
sudo apt install python3.9-venv
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install python packages

pip install ollama PyPDF2 numpy faiss-cpu copy

Transfer the pdf from your computer to the docker container

Download a pdf. It can be any pdf from anywhere.

# This command should be run on your local computer NOT in the docker container
# Take note that the id should be that of langchain/langchain which can be found using docker container ls
docker cp 2210.03629v3.pdf <container_id>:test

Add the boiler plate code

import ollama
import PyPDF2
import numpy as np
import faiss
import copy


# Load the PDF
def load_pdf(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file)
text = ""
for page in reader.pages:
text += page.extract_text() + "\n"
return text

def get_embeddings(text):
# Use the embed method from Ollama
embeddings = ollama.embeddings(
return np.array(embeddings["embedding"]) # Ensure this returns a NumPy array

# Initialize FAISS index
def create_faiss_index(embeddings):
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embeddings.shape[1]) # Dimensionality of embeddings
return index

if __name__ == "__main__":
pdf_text = load_pdf('2210.03629v3.pdf')

# Split the text into manageable chunks if necessary
text_chunks = pdf_text.split('\n') # Splitting by paragraphs or other logic
print(f"chunks: {text_chunks}")
text_chunks = text_chunks[:-1]
text_chunks_copy = copy.deepcopy(text_chunks) # Create a deep copy of text_chunks
print(f"chunks: {text_chunks_copy}")

# Get embeddings for all text chunks
embeddings = np.vstack([get_embeddings(chunk) for chunk in text_chunks]) # Stack into a 2D array

# Create FAISS index
faiss_index = create_faiss_index(embeddings)

# Perform a query (for demonstration)
query = "Your query here"
query_embedding = get_embeddings(query)
D, I =, -1), k=5) # Top 5 results

print(f"The value of I is: {I}")
# Retrieve the actual text corresponding to the indices
context_texts = []
for idx in I[0]:
print(f"the chunk is: {text_chunks_copy[idx]} and the index is: {idx}")
context = " ".join(context_texts) # Join the texts into a single string

print(f"The context is: {context_texts}")
question = "What is the gist of this paper?"
response ='llama3.2:1b', messages=[
'role': 'user',
'content': f'answer this question: {question} based on the context: {context}. Do not deviate.',

Code Explained

There are a few broad steps.

  1. Read the pdf pdf_text = load_pdf('2210.03629v3.pdf')
  2. Chunk the text text_chunks = pdf_text.split('\n')
  3. Embed the chunks embeddings = np.vstack([get_embeddings(chunk) for chunk in text_chunks])
  4. Search for the query
  5. Pass the context to the LLM

Published in FAUN — Developer Community 🐾

We help developers learn and grow by keeping them up with what matters. 👉

Written by D

An aspiring Robotics Researcher. I am currently in my 4th year of undergraduate studies. I am working on optimising the ROS navigation packages. Follow 4 more!

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